Pockets (Winnie Bean) is sponsored by Mel and Sandy Hyder. AND Pockets is sponsored by Susan Gragg in memory of Flurry and Dutch.
Once upon a time, in the land of second (maybe third... and fourth) chances, there lived a dog named Winnie Bean Pockets .
She first graced us with her presence back in 2022, quickly found a home, but life had other plans. She was returned, adopted again, and then, in a plot twist no one saw coming, found herself surrendered at an overcrowded shelter that needed to make some tough choices. But fate-and an incredible team of animal lovers-weren't going to let that be the end of her story.
When Wake County Animal Center discovered she was one of ours, they made the call. Would we save her? Of course we would! We put out a plea, and without hesitation, our community leaped into action. In a matter of hours, we had four different people lined up to bring her home. And just like that, little Miss Pockets walked right back into our lives, overjoyed to see all her old friends.
That was five months ago. And despite her charm, her hilarious personality, and her top-tier snuggle game, she's still waiting for her happily ever after.
She's at her best when she's the one and only four-legged love of your life-and boy, is she ready to love you. She practices her "welcome home" dance daily, has perfected the art of puppy-dog eyes, and is on standby for immediate snuggle deployment. Her one and only wish? A home where she is Queen!
To the team at Wake County Animal Center and Tiffany, the amazing soul who drove four hours to bring her home-thank you. You helped write the best parts of her story, but we all know-the best is yet to come.